Markus Lorenz
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Trademark and Design Attorney
Dipl.Ing. (FH) [Fachhochschule or University of Applied Sciences]

Markus Lorenz is a German patent attorney, authorized representative of the European Patent Office (European Patent Attorney) and authorized representative of the Office of the European Union for Intellectual Property (EUIPO).
Markus Lorenz studied industrial engineering at the Aalen University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics. The focal point of study was general mechanical engineering, production planning and management as well as manufacturing technology. Markus Lorenz has completed two practice semesters with a medium-sized company active in the paper machine industry. Markus Lorenz finished his studies as a Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur (FH) [with degree in industrial engineering from the University of Applied Sciences] with a thesis on the subject “Significance of Protective Rights and Resulting Opportunities for Companies.”
Since 1997, Markus Lorenz has been active at the law firm of Lorenz & Kollegen, and has been a partner of the law firm of Lorenz & Kollegen since 2009.
The focus of Markus Lorenz’ activity concerns the development and representation of German as well as European and international patent and trademark applications, providing representation in appeal proceedings as well as in nullity, cancellation and infringement actions. Markus Lorenz also manages application and cancellation proceedings concerning designs and community designs.
An additional focus of Markus Lorenz is the development of strategies as well as the management and supervision of negotiations for the out-of-court settlement of trademark and patent infringements.
In 2001, Markus Lorenz was active for three months in a renowned firm in the USA to assist in the further development and expansion of Lorenz & Kollegen’s international contacts and to learn about the U.S. patent system.
For 15 years, Markus Lorenz has been a lecturer, inter alia, at the DHBW Heidenheim (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Heidenheim) and at the Graduate Campus Hochschule Aalen für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz [University of Applied Sciences for Industrial Property Rights].
Markus Lorenz is the delegate for Baden-Württemberg for the Bundesverband Deutscher Patentanwälte e.V. [Federal Association of German Patent Attorneys, a licensed club], member of the VPP (an association for specialists in industrial property rights), member of the advisory committee for the Pegasus-Fonds, member of the east Württemberg investment committee for the Beteiligungsfonds Pegasus [Pegasus Investment Funds], member of the Wirtschaftsclub Ostwürttemberg [east Württemberg Economic Club] and member of the legal committee for the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.